
Pagos Product Evolution: H1 2024 Highlights and Innovations


Grace Greenwood

Community Knowledge Lead

July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024

Here we are on the other side of H1 2024. At Pagos HQ—a virtual HQ, mind you, as we’re a fully remote company—we’re looking back on the last six months and feeling extremely proud of all we’ve accomplished. If you read our 2023 recap blog post, you might have thought we earned ourselves some down time, perhaps some quiet moments for reflection and preening. We thought so, too, but then Klas gave us his disappointed face and we had to pour out our mai tais.

(Just kidding, Klas. I’m being cheeky with this one.)

In all seriousness, startup life is one of constant growth, change, and momentum. We looked at our 2023 successes with pride and saw a solid foundation from which we could launch a whole new backlog of Jira tickets. We saw opportunities in the market to grow into, customers we could help who hadn’t found us yet, aspects of our products we could improve or build on, and so much more. And today, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate with you—our devoted blog readers—how far we’ve come in just the first half of 2024.

What We’ve Been Up To

We won’t list out every win we’ve had so far this year, as we know your blog reading time is a precious commodity. Instead, we’ll do a quick round-up of our favorite accomplishments from Q 1 and 2. If you’re interested in a timestamped list of everything we’ve changed or added to the Pagos suite of products, please bookmark our Changelog! We create a post alongside every product release, stating which aspect of the Pagos platform has changed in what way, and linking out to extensive product documentation where you can learn even more. 

Without further ado, we present the H1 2024 Pagos deliverables, grouped by the ways they can help your business optimize payments:

Helping You See Data

Peacock by Pagos is an unmatched data visualization platform that provides you with countless ways to view your entire payments dataset, aggregated across processors and data sources. Peacock has always been a top-of-the-line product with streamlined data dashboards and features for customizing which segments of payments data you want to dig into, but we’ve made some massive improvements in the last six months. Here’s what we’ve done:

  • We launched a fully redesigned Peacock Service Panel with cleaner visuals, more intuitive navigation and organization, and faster filtering.

  • We added multiple new data visualizations to give you even deeper insight into your harmonized payments data, including: a breakdown of your card transaction volume made with PANs vs. network tokens, demonstrations of your card transaction volume eligible for alternative debit processing, and options for viewing chargeback rates over time using specifically Mastercard’s or Visa’s chargeback rate formulas.

  • We added to our data filtering options, providing you with the ability to filter Peacock charts by card product, issuing country, customer country, chargeback status, chargeback reason code, and more.

  • We’ve built out no-code connections to Fiserv, Checkout, and EBANX!

  • We created a whole new section in Peacock called Metrics, where you can use data-backed filtering to quickly hone in on the segments of your transaction volume that’s most important to your business or analysis.

  • Lastly, we launched Flamingo, our payments data benchmarking service! With Flamingo, you can anonymously compare your historical and real-time payments data against industry benchmarks to identify areas for improvement, recognize trends, and gain confidence in your processing capabilities. And with over 6.3 billion transaction events processed through our platform to date, Flamingo has benchmark metrics you can trust!

Helping You Monitor Data

It can’t be overstated how important it is to be continuously keeping tabs on your payments data. Things can change at the drop of a hat whether due to processor or network outages, fraud attacks, new regulations, or something unexpected like a code release gone wrong. That being said, it’s unrealistic to think you’re sitting at your computer with your eyes glued to Peacock every hour of every day. That’s why the automated data monitoring and anomaly detection available through Canary by Pagos is the ultimate game changer. Sit back and let Pagos keep an eye on things; we’ll let you know when something needs your attention! 

In keeping with our promise to deliver such a service, we’ve made the following changes:

  • We built out more sophisticated data models for Canary, ensuring you receive the most accurate and useful alerts when your payments data changes in unexpected ways

  • We created six Suggested Triggers, available to all Canary users. Triggers are the instructions you give Canary, specifying what metrics you want to monitor and for which segments of your payments volume. Suggested Triggers are preconfigured triggers designed to help you monitor the data segments we think any commerce business can benefit from monitoring.

Helping You Use Data

Pagos offers a number of action-oriented services to provide your business with intelligent ways to take informed actions to optimize your payments stack. Such optimization includes increasing acceptance rates, retaining valuable customers long term, reducing fraud and total cost of payment acceptance, and gaining an overall understanding of purchasing trends. To help you take action in your payments optimization journey, we’ve pushed out the following product changes:

  • We updated Parrot, our BIN service, to include data for more BIN ranges from even more brands, and even added new enhanced data fields for all available ranges.

  • We redesigned the Parrot Service Panel and made it possible for you to sign up for a Parrot free trial or even upgrade to a paid subscription all on your own.

  • We launched Puffin, our data streaming service. Puffin ingests all of your payments data via our no-code data connections and harmonizes it together into downloadable reports you can integrate into any workflows, data warehouses, or tools you already use. Immediately take action on your payments data without spending a second on data cleaning and aggregation.

  • We also launched Pagos Copilot! This AI-powered chatbot is your personal payments assistant, designed to streamline any payments data analysis and assist you in taking action in the complex world of payment processing. Learn more about Pagos Copilot.

Pagos in Print

Outside of just our product developments, we’ve experienced some real wins as a business, including being named to the 2024 Fintech Innovation 50. This annual list, launched by GGV Capital U.S. in partnership with Crunchbase, recognizes the most promising fintech companies in the eyes of startup investors. 

Additionally, we found out last week we were named by CNBC and Statista in their World’s Top Fintech Companies 2024 report! We are very proud to have been recognized in their Payments category as one of the top companies facilitating online and in-store payments in the world today.

And if all that wasn’t enough, we’ve also published 25 of our own blog posts in the last six months, including a seven part series on payments optimization. Interested in unlocking the power of BIN data or learning why network tokens are so hot right now? We’ve put out some comprehensive guides on those topics, too. Whatever you want to learn about in the payments landscape, we’ve got you covered.

Get Started With Pagos Today!

Whether you’re looking to visualize, monitor, or take action on your payments data, Pagos has your back. We have our fingers on the pulse of the payments industry and are constantly working hard to make better solutions that help any business become an optimized powerhouse. Reach out today to get started with Pagos!

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