1 Billion…with a B. Twice!
Back in May 2022 we found ourselves hitting a key milestone much sooner than we could have ever imagined - 100 million transaction events on file in aggregate...and then we quickly hit 200M shortly thereafter. While we said at the time we would not keep blogging about these metrics, we dramatically grew from there and wanted to do one final announcement.

Last week we crossed the 1 Billion transaction events threshold for the first time ever. (This is an aggregated number of total transactions of all time.) Then, after a couple of days we also crossed 1 Billion transaction events over a rolling 12 month period which is an even more remarkable metric, especially when accomplished so early in our time as a company!
This meteoric growth is a testament to the many large companies who have entrusted us with their payments data. In fact, some of the world’s largest online brands are now using our services. As a result, we have shifted to focus on building for scale much faster and sooner than we could have ever expected. It’s a great problem to have, and it comes with its own challenges around prioritization and allocating more resources for scalability and performance versus building that up further down the road.
Over the next year, we still have new birds to introduce to you and we have infrastructural work underway to keep the whole flock singing in harmony. It’s a full team effort, and we’re both proud and appreciative of the challenging work Pagos’ birders have done to deliver real and meaningful value to our customers. It might seem hard to believe if you haven’t seen behind the curtain, but working in payments is complex—lots of players in the game—as well as interesting. The environment is constantly evolving, and we’re actively hiring creative problem solvers to help us build new and innovative solutions to address customers’ needs.
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