All Your Payments Data,
Together at Last
All Your Payments Data,
Together at Last
Peacock Visualizations brings your payments data together across processors, and creates insights to help your team turn data into decisions.
Peacock Visualizations brings your payments data together across processors, and creates insights to help your team turn data into decisions.
Peacock Visualizations brings your payments data together across processors, and creates insights to help your team turn data into decisions.
Core Metrics
Core Metrics
Core Metrics
Key Metrics, Clear Insights
Key Metrics,
Clear Insights
Surface the metrics and KPIs most important to your payments performance—and ultimately, your business. Advanced filtering and detailed breakdowns give you a level of detail you've never had with your payments data.
Surface the metrics and KPIs most important to your payments performance—and ultimately, your business. Advanced filtering and detailed breakdowns give you a level of detail you've never had with your payments data.
Surface the metrics and KPIs most important to your payments performance—and ultimately, your business. Advanced filtering and detailed breakdowns give you a level of detail you've never had with your payments data.
And many more...
And many more...
And many more...

Discover & Capitalize
On New Opportunities
Level 2 & Level 3 Data
Level 2 & Level 3 Data
Level 2 & Level 3 Data
Network Tokens
Network Tokens
Network Tokens
Debit Routing
Debit Routing
Debit Routing
Chargeback Deflection
Chargeback Deflection
Chargeback Deflection

Uncover where you're leaving money on the table and cut your processing costs by millions. Implement changes to your processing strategy and track the cost savings.
Uncover where you're leaving money on the table and cut your processing costs by millions. Implement changes to your processing strategy and track the cost savings.
Uncover where you're leaving money on the table and cut your processing costs by millions. Implement changes to your processing strategy and track the cost savings.
Risks & Chargebacks
Risks & Chargebacks
Risks & Chargebacks
Risk: Quantified,
Summarized, & Projected
Fraud Rule Performance
Fraud Rule Performance
Fraud Rule Performance
Chargeback Projections
Chargeback Projections
Chargeback Projections
Dispute Guidance
Dispute Guidance
Dispute Guidance
Chargeback Win Rate
Chargeback Win Rate
Chargeback Win Rate

Detailed fraud, chargeback, and risk insights help you understand if chargebacks are coming in faster than normal, if your fraud rules are tuned correctly, and which chargebacks your team will have the most success fighting.
Detailed fraud, chargeback, and risk insights help you understand if chargebacks are coming in faster than normal, if your fraud rules are tuned correctly, and which chargebacks your team will have the most success fighting.
Detailed fraud, chargeback, and risk insights help you understand if chargebacks are coming in faster than normal, if your fraud rules are tuned correctly, and which chargebacks your team will have the most success fighting.
A Playground
for Payments Data
When inspiration strikes, create flexible visualizations to view the data you need in real time. Combine any metric, dimension, and chart style to answer previously unanswerable questions.
Line Charts
Line Charts
Line Charts
Stacked Bar Charts
Stacked Bar Charts
Stacked Bar Charts
Share of Pie Charts
Share of Pie Charts
Share of Pie Charts
Multi-Dimensional Breakdowns
Multi-Dimensional Breakdowns
Multi-Dimensional Breakdowns

Use Cases
Use Cases
Use Cases
Insights That Inspire Action
Insights That Inspire Action
Insights That Inspire Action
Use the data you uncover to optimize your processing.
Use the data you uncover to optimize your processing.
Use the data you uncover to optimize your processing.
Establish Your Baseline
Gain an understanding of your baseline payments performance and set goals for your future optimizations
Establish Your Baseline
Gain an understanding of your baseline payments performance and set goals for your future optimizations
Establish Your Baseline
Gain an understanding of your baseline payments performance and set goals for your future optimizations
Identify Fraudsters
Access detailed transaction and decline data to find the commonalities in fraudulent transactions.
Identify Fraudsters
Access detailed transaction and decline data to find the commonalities in fraudulent transactions.
Identify Fraudsters
Access detailed transaction and decline data to find the commonalities in fraudulent transactions.
Data Snapshots
View and export reports of your most important KPIs, broken out by market and more.
Data Snapshots
View and export reports of your most important KPIs, broken out by market and more.
Data Snapshots
View and export reports of your most important KPIs, broken out by market and more.
A/B Test Processors
Compare acceptance and cost details across processors down to the BIN and issuer level.
A/B Test Processors
Compare acceptance and cost details across processors down to the BIN and issuer level.
A/B Test Processors
Compare acceptance and cost details across processors down to the BIN and issuer level.
Tune Your Retry Strategy
Discover how often to retry, when to retry, and how to optimize the cost of retries.
Tune Your Retry Strategy
Discover how often to retry, when to retry, and how to optimize the cost of retries.
Tune Your Retry Strategy
Discover how often to retry, when to retry, and how to optimize the cost of retries.
Export Into Your Ecosystem
Pull data out of Visualizations and into the other tools your team already uses for analysis and reconciliation.
Export Into Your Ecosystem
Pull data out of Visualizations and into the other tools your team already uses for analysis and reconciliation.
Export Into Your Ecosystem
Pull data out of Visualizations and into the other tools your team already uses for analysis and reconciliation.
Understand Your
Total Cost of Processing
Powerful cost features give you deep insights into your total cost of payment acceptance. Gain a new level of awareness around fees and penalties so you never overpay again.
Powerful cost features give you deep insights into your total cost of payment acceptance. Gain a new level of awareness around fees and penalties so you never overpay again.
Powerful cost features give you deep insights into your total cost of payment acceptance. Gain a new level of awareness around fees and penalties so you never overpay again.
Interchange & Assessments
Interchange & Assessments
Interchange & Assessments
Effective Rate
Effective Rate
Effective Rate

Against The Best

Flamingo Benchmarking allows you to anonymously compare your payments performance to industry leaders and peers. Discover opportunities for optimization, recognize trends, and gain confidence in your processing.
Flamingo Benchmarking allows you to anonymously compare your payments performance to industry leaders and peers. Discover opportunities for optimization, recognize trends, and gain confidence in your processing.
Flamingo Benchmarking allows you to anonymously compare your payments performance to industry leaders and peers. Discover opportunities for optimization, recognize trends, and gain confidence in your processing.
Insights & Guidance
From Copilot AI

Pagos Copilot answers your payments questions in real-time. Request specific metrics from your own data, chart advanced analytics to dig into trends, and discover insights—all in an AI-powered conversational interface.
Pagos Copilot answers your payments questions in real-time. Request specific metrics from your own data, chart advanced analytics to dig into trends, and discover insights—all in an AI-powered conversational interface.
Pagos Copilot answers your payments questions in real-time. Request specific metrics from your own data, chart advanced analytics to dig into trends, and discover insights—all in an AI-powered conversational interface.

“With Pagos, we can finally see all our data from all our processors apples-to-apples, allowing for easy comparisons of key metrics over regions, time frames, retries, payment methods, and so much more.”
“With Pagos, we can finally see all our data from all our processors apples-to-apples, allowing for easy comparisons of key metrics over regions, time frames, retries, payment methods, and so much more.”
Adam Hollenberg
Payments and Partnerships Senior Manager, Adobe
Dive Into the Details, with Your Whole Team
Curated by Experts
Peacock Visualizations brings the most important payment metrics to your team.
Curated by Experts
Peacock Visualizations brings the most important payment metrics to your team.
Curated by Experts
Peacock Visualizations brings the most important payment metrics to your team.
BIN Level Detail
Break down every metric by BIN and enhance BIN details with Parrot's always fresh database.
BIN Level Detail
Break down every metric by BIN and enhance BIN details with Parrot's always fresh database.
BIN Level Detail
Break down every metric by BIN and enhance BIN details with Parrot's always fresh database.
Issuer Understanding
Find trends, both good and bad, and better understand your customers by issuer.
Issuer Understanding
Find trends, both good and bad, and better understand your customers by issuer.
Issuer Understanding
Find trends, both good and bad, and better understand your customers by issuer.
Finesse with Filters
Detailed filters help you break down your data to uncover deep insights.
Finesse with Filters
Detailed filters help you break down your data to uncover deep insights.
Finesse with Filters
Detailed filters help you break down your data to uncover deep insights.
Invite Your Whole Team
Organizations make it easy to collaborate with your team and share dashboards.
Invite Your Whole Team
Organizations make it easy to collaborate with your team and share dashboards.
Invite Your Whole Team
Organizations make it easy to collaborate with your team and share dashboards.
Design Your Dataset
Deduplicate your transactions and view metrics your way.
Design Your Dataset
Deduplicate your transactions and view metrics your way.
Design Your Dataset
Deduplicate your transactions and view metrics your way.
Insights Without An Integration
Connect your processors with no-code and instantly
create visualizations and discover insights.